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PFA Scotland’s Talent Showcase returned to Broadwood Stadium in the last week of May, offering an opportunity for members to network, upskill and the chance to impress coaches and scouts.

Over 30 players registered for this year’s showcase, making it one of PFA Scotland’s most attended events so far. Player Relations Officer, Craig Beattie, was particularly pleased by the willingness shown from members across the six days.

“It’s fantastic to see so many of the boys come in this week and embrace the opportunity. Many of these players are at a low point in their career, some have been released from academies they have spent the majority of their childhood. So, to see so many of them coming together and making the most of this opportunity is really heartening. We’ve had success stories in the past and I’m sure we’ll have some from this year too.”

Members spent the week working both on and off-the-pitch, with five days of training with coaches that culminated in an exciting game in Saturday’s sunshine. With wellbeing workshops, seminars on financial management, as well as a careers day which featured a range of our business partners, members had the opportunity to plan and prepare for their future – whether that be in full-time football or part-time.

Former Kilmarnock player, Shaun Kennedy, enjoyed the experience and highlighted the benefits from the week, “I went out there and tried my best. There was no point in turning down this opportunity of putting yourself in the shop window and also build up my fitness. The full week has been brilliant, especially the careers day where we could all learn a bit more about some of the job opportunities out there.”

One of the coaches for the week was former Stirling Albion manager, Kevin Rutkiewicz, noted the quality on show throughout the week, “There is no doubt there is plenty potential in a lot of the players here. We’ve always had a good hit-rate from the showcase with scouts and coaches coming in their numbers, so I’m sure plenty of the boys will go onto do good things.”

The Talent Showcase is just one of many events that PFA Scotland offer for its members, with educational opportunities and employability initiatives throughout the year. Find out more about benefits for our members, online.

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