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PFA Scotland are proud to be part of FIFPRO’s Raising Our Game 2025 (ROGE25) initiative as member nations across Europe commit to improving the standards of women’s football.  Co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, ROGE25 is carried out in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux.

The project underlines FIFPPRO – and its member nations – commitment to ensure all players have adequate working conditions. With the trajectory of women’s football, it is imperative that a minimum standard is clear across the board. ROGE25 allows member countries to share learnings and best practices with one another and creating a platform that will shape the future of the game.

PFA Scotland’s Diane Scott, was present at the recent ROGE25 meeting in Amsterdam and highlighted the impact that the project is continuing to have on the women’s game.

“It was good to be part of. We only need to look at the introduction and subsequent update to maternity regulations as to how important this project is. It’s a massive step forward.”

The development of the working group has been crucial for FIFPRO in their push for collective bargaining with the global governing bodies, such as FIFA.

One of the most recent outcomes of ROGE25 is a comprehensive toolkit which will soon become available to member nations, such as PFA Scotland, that will allow unions to score and monitor clubs and the league on their working conditions within the women’s game. This will feature analysis on key metric such as player health, facilities and other working conditions.

PFA Scotland acknowledges that, with changes to league structure and more initiatives, that the SWPL is committed to raising the standard across the board, and we believe that the development of ROGE25 will mean that their will be more liability on clubs and the governing bodies to achieve this.

Moreover, PFA Scotland are currently developing a women’s working group, comprising committee members and others, that will meet quarterly to accelerate the impact of ROGE25 and similar projects. The intention is to create a platform committed to engaging with members and collaborating governing bodies on important issues within the game.

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